Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017

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[nats: begin with sizzling fried egg psa from80’s “this is drugs. this is your brain on drugs. any questions?”] >>jamie, reporter: while this “just sayno” public service announcement from the 1980s saturated television airwaves, a teamof researchers believed something was missing. >>michelle miller-day, ph.d., penn state associateprofessor of communication arts and sciences: “previously, the "just say no" it comesfrom researchers or preventionists or the adults trying to communicate to the kids,"just say no" here's the strategies. it’s not coming from the kids themselves. so thewhole idea here is, well wait a minute. put on the brakes. is it really that simple? let’sstart talking to kids and seeing really what

do they do. what is effective? what isn’tso effective?” >>michael hecht, ph.d., penn state distinguishedprofessor of communication arts and sciences: “we began to collect these narratives andstories and study the social processes of drug use and then we engaged a group of highschool kids to create videos based on those strategies that formed the core of the program.” [nat: keepin’ it real video snippet... "quieton the set!" (introducing acronym)] >>jamie, reporter: “keepin’ it real”is a drug-resistance-skills training curriculum based on interviews with thousands of teens. the program gives youth several options forgetting out of potentially dangerous situations

and empowers them to make good decisions. >>michael hecht: “r-e-a-l are four of theresistance skills, the refuse, explain, avoid and leave, and they’re kind of the centerpiece,but it’s about how to assess risk and how to make decisions and how to get support anddeal with conflict and get along with people and how to say “no” without losing a friend,if possible.” >>jamie, reporter: the multicultural programis distributed nationally and internationally through different partnerships, includingd.a.r.e. america. it is also the winner of the 2010 penn stateaward for community engagement and scholarship. [nat pop of jessica hetrick teaching kir..."binge drinking means having five or more

drinks on one occasion."] jessica hetrick incorporates “keepin’it real” in her life skills classes at tyrone middle school. >>jessica hetrick, teacher, tyrone middleschool: “the thing that caught me right away was when we were told it was a programby kids for kids. they don’t need famous movie stars telling them how to stay off ofdrugs. they don't need rock stars, like athletes telling them. they need people that are theirage saying we’ve lived through this, yes we possibly made some bad decisions, but inthe end we’re making positive ones.” >>jamie, reporter: hetrick says the best partabout teaching the 10-lesson program is the

ability to be open and honest with her students. >>jessica hetrick: “i want them to understandthat no matter what challenge is in front of them that they can handle it. whether itbe the simple decision such as skipping school or not doing their homework or whether it’sa life or death situation such as getting into a car with a drunk driver, this programgave them the confidence to make those decisions.” [nat: students answering questions..."truefor 40."] >>olivia dickson, 7th grader, tyrone middleschool: “i learned that i need to stand up and my friends are actually standing upa lot too and we’re being more confident about ourselves and helping people who areexperiencing drugs and alcohol in their lives,

we’re helping them and helping them to stop.” >>mark lewis, 7th grader, tyrone middle school:“i’ve become more confident. sometimes not even with drugs being able to make theright choices and seeing the consequences.” [nats] >>michael hecht, ph.d.: “the key is thatyou really want to delay the onset of use. you want to decrease early use and so anytimewe can stop some kids from using early on it means that later on in life they’re muchless likely to have health problems and social problems and work problems. they’ll stayin school and be much more successful.” [nats of hetrick in class... "how many ofyou plan on going to college?"]

>>jamie, reporter: hetrick says the tyronearea school district is very happy with “keepin’ it real,” in fact, plans are already underwayto expand some of the lessons for next year. [nats of hetrick in class... "have a goodweekend!"] as for drs. hecht and miller-day, they saytheir team will continue to adapt the curriculum

rent a car in bali without driver

rent a car in bali without driver,to other areas around the globe so kids cancontinue to hear the message from kids in their own community. [nats of kir video... "sarah, don't let oneof these guys drive you home."] for penn state outreach, i’m jamie curott.

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