Jumat, 20 Oktober 2017

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my name is zach zaborny. i was diagnosed withasperger’s syndrome when i was 8 years old. since graduating from kansas state university,i have travelled to several countries, sharing my own experiences about life on the autismspectrum as a part of autism advocacy. when i visited australia in 2015 to speak at theasia pacific autism conference, i discovered epic assist.being on the autism spectrum, i understand the struggles that many people face when seekingand maintaining employment. when i first discovered epic, their motto, “realise what’s possible,”gave me hope, for myself and for others. and i knew that i wanted to be a part of an organisationthat recognises the strengths that individuals like me can bring to the workforce and howorganisations can benefit from employing people

with a disability.epic recruit assist is a division of epic. we assist those who – by choice or otherwise– are unable to access the existing disability employment services.we believe that everyone should have the right to be successful in the workplace. we aimto change lives by exposing employers to a hidden talent pool of people that possessgreat skills that might otherwise go unnoticed. loyalty, detail and focus are all markersof a good employee, and are just some of many innate characteristics of people on the autismspectrum. i love being a part of an organisation

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hire car jobs sydney,that is working hard to connect businesseswith dedicated and skilled employees, and to help those who have faced hardships inthe world of work, reach their potential.

my job, and my own life, runs on the sameidea: to help others realize what’s possible and make each day epic.

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the big thing is what level of damage you have to pay when and if something happens. you don't really want to wait till you hit the car ...